Friday, January 7, 2011

Prose Poem, Blood For Money..

    Sleep is my vacation and Death is the retirement plan, there’s no going back. It's blood in exchange for money that is what my life has come to. taking a life to put food on your plate. The sound of a gun being loaded is the sound of money in my pocket. wanting to live life the "Wrong" way is learning how to take one in return. in this life time, there’s no what ifs and why, a fool kills a man but, only a real man stays alive. Pulling the trigger is more than you think. Your life is no longer the same. The days in which you were a baby in your mama's arms could never have been compared to what now is put in your life to overcome. no matter what you must be brave and carry the strength of a million, in one. Anyone can kill from a far but a real man will take a life looking into your eyes. At the end of it all you must ask yourself, are you a man or a coward?.. Never judge a book by its cover because you may come across something you never wish you did. I guess you can call me two faced. Not because I’m not loyal to what is my life now. But because the smile you see today is not real. I’ll never feel like smiling, until the visions of the mistakes and regrets that appear as a blur each and everyday, disappear completely, those that haunt my days wipe any hope of a simple smile. days and nights go friends and foes watch as I continue to expose a side that is truly not there, a smile and a joy that was never real. The truth of the matter is that at the end of the day its all a game and only those that feel no shame can learn to win the game.

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